We always have a great time at the Newport audio show! It's great to catch up with old friends and make new ones!
I thought I'd share a few comments and photos from around the internet.
Sasha Matson from Stereophile dropped by for a chat and to have a listen and filed this report:
Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound stopped by too:
Rafe Arnott from Part-Time Audiophile paid us a visit! Here's the link to Rafe's blog post.
Here's a nice black and white pic from Positive Feedback of the Crimson CS640E-III Mono Power Amplifiers, the Crimson CS710 Pre-amplifier and my vintage Linn LP-12 turntable. Below them is the Resolution Audio Cantata Music Center.
...and a nice pic of our room from Audio Federation.

Thanks to everyone who came by!